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Flower enthusiasts are on the edges of their seats waiting for Denver Botanic Gardens' "corpse flower" to begin blooming.

The flower — scientifically known as Amorphophallus titanum — gets its name from the odor it emits once it blooms, which apparently smells like a decomposing animal. Perhaps the most unique feature about the unusual flower, however, is that it only lives up to 48 hours once it begins to blossom.

According to the Denver Botanic Gardens' website, this is the first time the smelly corpse flower, which clocks in at more than 5-feet tall, will bloom in the region. The plant, affectionally known as Stinky, has been visited by more than 25,000 people in the past 10 days.

For those of us who can't make it to the Denver to check out the flower in action, the Botanic Gardens have set up a live "Stinky Cam" so you can watch its progress from your computer. Recent news reports predict that it could begin at any moment — and might not bloom again for another decade.

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From: Country Living US